Michelle Lewin is a lot of things. She’s a former professional bikini-division bodybuilder, a businesswoman, and a motivator. She’s a former Playboy model who is also a wife and mom, idolized by women who follow her pregnancy and post-pregnancy fitness routines. She’s a bilingual Venezuelan living her dream life in Miami who is one of the most popular fitness influencers in the world.

Let’s get to know Michelle Lewin, her journey, her fitness philosophy, and the workouts and diet she uses to maintain her fabulous physique.

A popular fitness influencer and model.

She grew up in north-central Venezuela, where she was a model. She married Swedish personal trainer and fitness model Jimmy Lewin in 2010. In 2012, they moved to south Florida. Lewin competed in NPC bikini contests in 2013 and IFBB (pro) bikini contests in 2014. She appeared on the covers and in the pages of numerous fitness magazines and grew her social media presence. In 2017, Forbes named her one of the top influencers in fitness. Lewin’s social media posts are often about practical training and nutritional tips, and after she announced she was pregnant in August 2022 much of her focus turned to fitness during pregnancy and, after Landrew was born that December, after pregnancy.

Michelle Lewin fitness
Michelle Lewin with husband Jimmy and their son, Landrew. / Instagram


She was born February 2, 1986. She’s currently 38.

Maracay, Venezuela

Miami, Florida

Yes. She posed tastefully nude in the January 2012 issue of the Venezuelan Playboy magazine.

Playboy magazine Michelle Lewin
Lewin on the cover of Venezuelan Playboy, January 2012

5’4″ (162 cm)

120 pounds (54 kg)

glute kickbacks
Lewin performs weighted glute kickbacks. / Instagram video

Instagram: 16.1 million followers [link]

Facebook: 8.3 million followers [link]

YouTube: 400,000 subscribers [link]

TikTok: 260,000 followers [link]

This is not public information. $3 million is a popular guess, but that is only a rough estimate. Her large social media following fuels her earnings. In 2017, Forbes stated she earned as much as $10,000 per Instagram post “thanks to her partnerships with health and workout brands.” She and her husband own the company One0One, which sells fitness clothing, workout accessories, and nutritional supplements.

In an interview, Lewin answered: “I’d been modelling for a few years, and a part of my job was to stay in shape. I loved it and it led me to became a total gym rat. After months of intense training, the abs started to show and I was enjoying the fitness lifestyle. Suddenly, the modelling requests were coming from fitness magazines and supplement companies. A friend of mine told me to compete in the next NPC bikini competition so I gave it a shot. It was such a thrill to step on stage!”

“I would say the mirror. There’s nothing more motivating than when you find a new vein! Am I crazy? Probably, but it’s true! Progress is what motivates me to keep pushing harder and not give up. Also, it’s extremely motivating to have so many female fans. I never thought I would get to that point, especially since I’m an ex Playboy cover model. But girls! Thanks! I love you! You’re the best!”

In 2014, Lewin placed third in two professional bikini contests: IFBB Europa SuperShow Dallas and IFBB Legends Pro Bikini Classic.

Michelle Lewin IFBB bikini
Michelle Lewin competing in a pro bikini contest in 2014. / NPCNewsOnline

Chin-up (Wide Grip) — 4×12 reps

Chin-up (Normal Grip) — 4×10 reps

Machine Row — 4×12 reps

T-bar Row — 4×12 reps

Dumbbell Curl — 6×12 reps

EZ-bar Curl — 4×12 reps

Straight-bar Cable Curl — 4×12 reps

Lying Leg Curl — 4×12

Seated Leg Curl — 4×12

Deadlift — 4×10-15 reps

Seated Calf Raise — 8×20 reps

Standing Calf Raise (Smith Machine) — 6×20 reps

One-arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension — 6×12 reps

Lying EZ-bar Triceps Extension — 4 x 12 reps

Rope Overhead Cable Extension — 4×12 reps

Military Press — 4×10 reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Press — 3×10 reps

EZ-bar Upright Row — 4×12 reps

Side Lateral Raise — 4×10 reps

Lunge — 4×12 reps

Good Morning — 6×20 reps

One-leg Leg Press — 4×15 reps

Squat — 4×12 reps

Hanging Knee Raise — 4×12 reps

Crunch — 4×20 reps

Machine Crunch — 4×12 reps

Crunch On Exercise Ball — 4×20 reps

michelle lewin training abs
Michelle Lewin demonstrates how to work abs anywhere. / Instagram video

Lewin answered: “I just love to sweat like a maniac. So whatever I feel like: StairMaster, rollerblading around South Beach, Miami, or Spinning classes. I keep the intensity high and make sure that I’m always pushing my hardest.”

Lunge “Great exercise to really target my leg muscles.”

Side Lateral Raise “Boring for some people, but I love to train shoulders, and I feel that side raises have really helped sculpt my delts.”

Sprints “Helps tighten that booty and burns fat at the same time

Meal 1: Oatmeal with Protein Powder

Meal 2: Ham with Wasa Multi-Grain Crispbread

Meal 3: Chicken Breast with Brown Rice

Meal 4: Pork Chops with Salad

Meal 5: Beef with Asparagus and Spinach

Meal 6: Salmon with Broccoli

Meal 7 (before bed): Casein Protein Shake

Michelle Lewin