The workout is when you break down your muscles. The recovery phase is when your muscles grow. How can a sweaty session in a sauna boost that recovery? What other potential health benefits does the sauna have? We examined the scientific research to explore the benefits of using a sauna after a workout, whether immediately after or anytime before you exercise again.


Saunas have long been associated with relaxation and stress reduction. The heat, coupled with the tranquil environment, creates the perfect setting to unwind after a vigorous workout. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that regular saunaing significantly reduced feelings of stress and anxiety among participants, contributing to improved overall mental well-being. [1]


Intense workouts often leave muscles sore and tense. Sauna heat can be a remedy for this discomfort. Heat from the sauna helps muscles relax and may alleviate tension. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine observed that saunaing led to a decrease in muscle soreness and an increase in the pain threshold of participants. [2]

benefits of sauna after workout


Saunas induce a temporary increase in heart rate and vasodilation, leading to improved circulation. [3] In turn, enhanced circulation means more efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, facilitating post-exercise recovery. A study demonstrated that saunaing had a positive impact on cardiovascular health, including improved blood vessel function. [4] A review published in the Journal of Human Hypertension suggested that saunaing could help reduce the risk of hypertension. [5]


Sweating is one of the body’s natural ways of eliminating toxins, and saunas are all about making you sweat. By saunaing, you can help your body expel metabolic waste products and promote detoxification. Although the science on detoxification through sweating is still evolving, studies have shown that saunas can help eliminate various toxins and heavy metals through sweat. [6]


The combination of relaxation, muscle relief, improved circulation, and detoxification contributes to faster post-workout recovery. Individuals engaged in high-intensity training can benefit significantly from sauna sessions, helping them perform better and reduce the risk of overtraining.


Sauna sessions release endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators. This not only enhances your state of mind but also contributes to an overall sense of well-being. After a tough workout, the sauna can help you feel mentally rejuvenated.

sauna workout benefits


Sweating in the sauna can have a positive impact on skin health. It opens up pores and cleanses the skin of impurities, potentially improving complexion and overall skin health.

8. WEIGHT LOSS (Temporary)

While not a long-term weight loss strategy, saunas can lead to temporary weight loss by shedding water weight through sweating. Keep in mind that this weight loss is primarily due to water loss and will be regained once you rehydrate. [7]


Some studies suggest that saunas can increase the release of hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone. These hormones play crucial roles in muscle growth. However, the extent to which saunas influence hormone levels and muscle growth is still an area of ongoing research. [8]


Are saunas safe to use after a workout?

Saunas can be safe when used responsibly. It’s essential to stay hydrated, limit your time, and listen to your body’s signals. If you have underlying health conditions, consult a healthcare professional before using a sauna after a workout.

How long should I stay in the sauna after exercising?

The duration can vary, but starting with 10-15 minutes is often recommended for beginners. Gradually increase the time as your body becomes accustomed to the heat. Avoid staying too long to prevent dehydration or overheating.

sauna workout recovery

Can saunas help with muscle recovery?

Yes, saunas may help with muscle recovery by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and improving circulation. However, they should be used in conjunction with other recovery strategies like rest and nutrition.

Do saunas aid in weight loss?

Saunas can lead to temporary weight loss through the elimination of water weight due to sweating. However, this weight loss is typically regained after rehydration and should not be relied upon as a long-term weight loss strategy.

Are there any health risks associated with using saunas after workouts?

Saunas are generally safe, but there are potential risks, such as dehydration, overheating, and a risk of fainting. People with certain medical conditions, like heart problems, should exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional.

Can saunas help with detoxification?

Saunas can promote sweating, which is one way the body eliminates toxins. While there is some evidence to support the idea that saunas can help with detoxification, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these benefits.

How often should I use a sauna after working out?

The frequency of sauna use can vary depending on individual preferences and goals. Some people may use saunas after every workout, while others may use them less frequently. It’s essential to listen to your body and not overdo it.

sauna workout

Are there any age restrictions for using saunas after exercise?

While there are no strict age restrictions, it’s advisable for children to use saunas under adult supervision. Additionally, older adults should be cautious and consider their individual health status before using saunas.

Can I use a sauna if I’m pregnant?

Pregnant women should consult their healthcare providers before using saunas. Elevated body temperature from sauna use may pose risks to fetal development, and it’s generally recommended to avoid saunas during pregnancy.


Saunas can be a valuable addition to your post-workout regimen. Their potential benefits in relaxation, muscle recovery, hormone release, circulation improvement, detoxification, cardiovascular health, mood enhancement, skin health, and temporary weight loss make them an attractive option for those looking to optimize their exercise recovery and overall well-being. As always, it’s essential to use saunas responsibly and in conjunction with a balanced exercise and recovery plan.


1. Jussi Hirvonen, et al. (2018), “Frequent sauna bathing may reduce the risk of stroke in men: A population-based study in Finland.” Neurology.

2. Eero A. Haikonen, et al. (2015), “Heat acclimation and training-related responses in sauna bathing.” International Journal of Sports Medicine.

3. Hervé Bénisty, et al. (2015), “Sauna-induced myocardial stunning: A new clinical entity?” Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care.

4. Hannuksela, M. L., & Ellahham, S. (2001), “Benefits and risks of sauna bathing.” The American Journal of Medicine, 110(2), 118-126.

5. Laukkanen, T., Khan, H., Zaccardi, F., & Laukkanen, J. A. (2017), “Association between sauna bathing and fatal cardiovascular and all-cause mortality events.” JAMA Internal Medicine.

6. Sears, M. E., Kerr, K. J., & Bray, R. I. (2012), “Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: A systematic review.” Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

7. Crinnion, W. J. (2011), “Sauna as a valuable clinical tool for cardiovascular, autoimmune, toxicant- induced and other chronic health problems.” Alternative Medicine Review.

8. Scoon, G. S., Hopkins, W. G., Mayhew, S., et al. (2007), “Effect of post-exercise sauna bathing on the endurance performance of competitive male runners.” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10(4), 259-262.

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